Styven Thomas is a young organic farmer, with single milking, crossbreeding and group calving in spring. He is located in the commune of Le Faou in Finistère.
Quad seeding of meadows is an innovative practice for seeding small areas. The main advantages are its speed (just 20 min/ha), pleasant working in the open air at around 20 km/h, less soil compaction than a tractor and an economic advantage, with less fuel consumed. The added value is also the homogeneity of seeding with broadcast seeding, which avoids row seeding, which was unsatisfactory from the point of view of soil coverage and developpement of weeds. The seeding is done 3.5 m apart in rows, then diagonally across the field to ensure good coverage. What’s more, the pellet spreader is easy to use, attaching directly to the quad. It can be purchased, in this case from a CUMA (cooperative for the use of agricultural equipment). This innovation can be reproduced for different types of seeding, but should be reserved for small areas requiring broadcast seeding. Another tip: check your equipment and spreader settings before sowing.