Various soil and seedbed preparations as an alternative to glyphosate

Practice abstract


The very wet weather conditions in 2017 and the very dry ones in 2018 have changed the grassland species in many places. Weeds and other undesirable plant species such as the common couch grass (Elymus repens) are spreading more and more in grassland swards and are considerably worsening forage quality. Three farmers and two advisers from the chamber of agriculture met to discuss possible ways of controlling undesirable plants in grassland. In order to provide alternatives to   glyphosate use, several ways of combating it, including mechanical control, were tried out on a degenerated sward.

The different methods were compared on a sward where couch grass (Elymus re-pens) had been developed. Among other things, ploughing was compared to the former common method combining a treatment with glyphosate with direct sowing. In comparison, a mulcher and direct sowing were used, and harrow were used. Many ideas from the farmers were tried out and tested on this demo system.

The results were as expected: the plough increased the presence of couch grass (Elymus repens) rather than declining it. The results with the harrow, were better than expected. The herbicide was the only one that worked.


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Additional information

Farming system

conventional farming

Domains of innovation

machinery, tools

Main types of animal

dairy cattle



Product type

Practice abstract



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