Marguerite Happy-cow 2

Practice abstract


The cooperative “Marguerite Happy Cow” is existing since 2015 and brings together regional dairy farmers and processors. About 10 dairy farmers are involved for a production of about 4 million liters milk per year, one feed supplier and 2 cheese factories. The different actors of the sector must respect a precise set of specifications, which aim is to produce a differentiated-quality milk, based on grass and local production. Another goal is to give the producers a fair income for this quality.

From now on, consumers are also allowed to take part into the co-op. The discussion brought these following pros and cons up:

Benefits for the farmer:

  • Better well-being of the cow thanks to a diet mainly based on grazed grass in pastures and guaranteed without GMO
  • Reduced ecological footprint due to local livestock feed and geographical proximity of different stakeholders in the industry
  • Promoting family farming on a human scale and local jobs that cannot be relocated
  • Requirements specifications are realistic and adaptable to the farm without too much investments
  • Creation of a connection between producer and consumer, allowing discussion between them
  • The milk price is less volatile than the milk price on international markets
  • A premium is being paid to the farmers for delivering their milk to the co-op

Disadvantages for the farmer:

  • Obligation to buy the concentrates from one specific food supplier
  • Difficult management of milk urea content during summer, due to the almost exclusively grass-based diet

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Additional information

Farming system

conventional farming

Domains of innovation


Main types of animal

dairy cattle



Product type

Practice abstract


English, French

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