The farm of Pixérécourt do cross breeding for a few years. The objective of this 5 breed crossing is to have small cows, adapted to a milk production based on grass.
The cross breeding is a way to be consistent with the exploitation system : maximize grazing to maximize economics results /ha with the resources present on the farm.
These breeds are using for the crossing :
- Prim’holstein
- Montbéliarde
- Normande
- Jersiaise
- Rouge scandinave
Crossing are beginning since 2009 with good economic results and a better milk quality.
The crossing allows to go faster in the selection with the heterosis effect, and allows to select easily low-heritable caracters.
Reason for the innovation
- Maximize economics results
- Valorize grass with few concentrate
- Increase milk production / kg alive weight for the dairy cows
Farm description
- Soils: Superficial clay and limes-tone and sandy-loam
- Climate: Oceanic to continental trend
- Altitude: 220m
Grassland management
- Grazing: Yes, cellular grazing
- Grazing 6 months a year
- Annual Work Unit: 2,5
- Agricultural area: 280 ha UAA
- Rangeland area: 140 ha
- Temporary grassland: 110 ha
- Permanent grassland: 20 ha
- No corn silage
- Breeds: 5 breeds crossing
- Stocking rate: 1,17 LU / ha of grassland
Animal performance
- Milk production per head: 5 300 L /year
Why it is working
This innovation works on this farm because it is included in the farm system evolution.
The will to increase exploitation profitability leads to a better grass use, which leads to a better grazing management. The old cattle couldn’t meet that goal. So the exploitation need to have smaller, lighter and more « rustic » cows, using cross-breeding.