The farmer currently builds his own system to dry hay. The space underneath the roof is used to warm up the air. The warmed air is heated even more and is afterwards blow through the lose hay to dry it.
The farmer expects high quality hay, even under the circumstances in is region (high level of precipitation).
Solving a problem, decreasing costs and processing products
The farmer expects the system to be ready to use for the first cut 2018; thus the system is still to be tested.
The organic farmer aims to increase energy efficiency in hay production.
Farm description
- Soil type: Loam and peat
- Climate: Temperate oceanic climate
- Average altitude: 1 m a.s.l. ; no slope
Grassland management
- Grazing: Yes
- Continuous stocking for dairy cows
- Rotation and rotational stocking for cattle rearing
- Mowed area: five cuts per year
- Annual Work Unit: 2 AWU
- Agricultural Area: 215 ha UAA
- 15 ha arable land
- 200 ha permanent grassland
- Holstein Friesian and Holstein Friesian Fleckvieh cross breeds
- Stocking rate: 1.4 LU/ha
Animal performance
- 7000 l/year/dairy animal
- Average carcass weight of old dairy cows after fattening: 350 kg
Why it is working
The farmer has the possibility to use this system to dry his hay and reduce the energy demand of the drying process. Additionally the farmer has the possibility to sell hay based raw milk cheese.