Damien Jacquemart practice biodynamic farming and he is involve in different short supply chain systems and associations, (Agricovert, Terre en vue and Peasant-artisans).
Damien Jacquemart is constantly improving his grazing management system.
Currently he practices :
- Forage mixture (Sensier and Swiss mixtures)
- Legume management
- Product processing and marketing
Farmer’s strategy is focusing on higher production, processing products and curiosity in grassland management and techniques.
Optimal management of limiting factor: grass productivity and herd genetics.
Farm description
- Soil types : Clayey-loam
- Temperate oceanic climate
- Altitude : 260 m
- Slope : 0-5%
Grassland management
Grasslands, mostly permanent, are both grazed and mowed down (2 times a year). The duration of permanent meadows is longer than 20 years. Grazing
management type: rotational stocking. Forage is stored in hay.
- Annual Work Unit: 2.2
- Agricultural Area : 29 ha UAA
- The farm is managed by the owner. 2ha are dedicated to crops and the rest in permanent (23 ha) and temporary (4 ha) grasslands.
- The dairy cattle is Pie Rouge : 19 lactating cows and 11 heifers.
Animal performance
- The milk production is average: 4,500 kg of milk / cow / year.
Why it is working
Damien Jacquemart set up a performing grassland management based on an optimal herd management: expression of the potential of the dairy cow
(favours the social life of the cows: free run, stay in the barn as much as they want, attention to animal welfare during milking, permanent presence of the bull, etc.) => « cool cows ». Good fertility rate.Damien Jacquemart regularly follows trainings on grassland management (MAP (Mouvement d’action paysanne), UNAB (Union Nationale des Agrobiologistes Belges), training in Germany, etc.)