Rumex obtusifolius
Key Statistics
Broad-leaved dock is one of the five most worldwide spread weeds
80% of all herbicides in Central Europe are used against broad-leaved dock
Broad-leaved docks cover over 5% of 10-15% of plots in England and Brittany
Broad-leaved docks are particularly tough for several reasons:
Their relatively long cycle is perfect for settling in plots with late mowing or organic crops
Its multiple flowering lead to the production of several tens of thousands of seeds per year
Its seeds, once buried, remain alive for decades.
It is able to regenerate even from small fragments of root
Its roots are able to separate after twelve months, leading to new plants, and thus an expansion of the covered area, even in already closed plots.
The presence of broad-leaved docks in a plot leads to reduction in quantity of produced forage and also to a lower quality, in terms of digestibility and palatability. It is one of the main obstacles for establishment of organic crops.