Health-related aspects of grazing in the Netherlands

Practice abstract


Grazing has a lot of advantages. Not only do Dutch people like to see grazing cows in the landscape, there are also benefits with respect to animal health. The claws of grazing cows are usually strong and healthy. Grazing cows get more exercise and can better express their natural behaviour since there is more space in the meadow. The transmission of infectious diseases is reduced and cows lower in rank in the natural herd behaviour have less stress. However, there are also disadvantages of grazing, e.g. cows can suffer from heat stress and are at risk with regard to certain parasites.

The question is whether or not grazing will be healthy in the future. There are a number of issues related to this question. To what extent do developments with respect to nature, such as raising water levels, more insects, plants, birds and animals have a beneficial effect on the health of the grazing cow? What influence does grassland have on the cow’s metabolism and on the dynamics of parasites that live on or between the grass? The warmer climate is also a concern: it is clear that high temperatures and high humidity are stressful for cows. A solution is to graze at night, but then the cows are indoors during the day. Cows produce a lot of heat and moisture and when they are close together in a barn this can lead to high temperatures. Minimising the losses that can be caused by metabolic disorders and other health risks deserve attention. Current protocols need to be adapted to the new developments. The risks of grazing to the health of the cow in the future, in a warmer climate and in an environment with more biodiversity, need to be properly mapped out so that they can be managed. Then, healthy cows will continue to graze the Dutch.

Additional information

Farming system

conventional farming

Domains of innovation

grazing management system

Main types of animal

dairy cattle


The Netherlands

Product type

Practice abstract



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