Opportunities for fatty acids as an indicator of milk quality

Practice abstract


The Dutch participative project “Maximum milk from grass” has worked to gain more insight into milk quality. To this end, a group of farmers and other stakeholders cooperated with the company Delta Instruments from Drachten, which developed a fatty acid calibration package. This package is intended as a tool for improving feeding regimes, increasing cow performance and, above all, an early warning system for increased risks of ketosis and other feeding related diseases in individual cows. The milk was analysed at the VVB Veluwe IJsselstreek with an infrared spectrometer from Delta. Using two indicators, NEFA and Denovo, advice can be given on the best herd’s and individual cows’ feed strategy. https://ecommons.cornell.edu/bitstream/handle/1813/53372/8_Barbano_manu.pdf?sequence=1

In addition to fat, protein, urea and somatic cell count, the contents of short (C4-C14) and long fatty acid chains were also measured. Pasture grass seems to correspond to a higher percentage of short-chain fatty acids. The number of samples in this project was too small to reliably determine effects. However, targeted follow-up research can reveal whether the current botanical composition leads to maximum milk from grass or whether, for example, herbaceous grasslands offer better prospects. Distinguishing yourself as a dairy farmer with measurably better milk is an opportunity. What still needs to be worked on is a clear interpretation of the measurements. This will be easier if there are more results. The quick availability of results after a measurement is a strong point of this method, as it allows direct management control.

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Farming system

conventional farming, organic farming

Domains of innovation

product processing

Main types of animal

dairy cattle


The Netherlands

Product type

Practice abstract



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