Short sward grazing (Kurzrasenweide) with dairy cows and regional marketing of products

Practice abstract


Since 2005, the farmer no longer produces any silage, as his grassland plots delivered different forage qualities, the silage bales were too big for the daily demand and the management of the high silo was too laborious. Since the local dairy had no marketing channel for silage-free milk at that time, a cheese dairy was built to process it on farm. In 2010, the cheese dairy was extended, a loose housing was built and a farm shop including a presentation room established.

Although the size of the own pastures around the farm was too small, the farmer was able to continuously lease land from other small farms in the surroundings ceasing the agricultural activities. Therefore, the size of the grazing area is now large enough to practice a continuous variable stocking (short sward grazing). The dairy cattle (Simmental and Braunvieh) can graze from April to late autumn, with the stable being accessible by the animals at any time.

The products are sold in the own farm shop and through several small purchasers. In the village there is also a close cooperation between agriculture and tourism, which enables an effective marketing circuit. Hotels use the products of the cheese dairy, in return tourists are offered guided tours through the farm. This creates, both for the resident population and for the tourists, a connection between local agriculture and regional products.

As prerequisites for grazing, enthusiasm and conviction of the farmer as well as experience through learning processes are required. There must be sufficient contiguous grazing areas located close to the farm which are not too steep. The livestock breeds must be slowly adapted to grazing, whereby individual performances are less important than robust animals.

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Additional information

Farming system

conventional farming

Domains of innovation

grazing management system, marketing

Main types of animal

beef cattle



Product type

Practice abstract



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