The innovation lies in the general organization of the forage production, which is intensified by taking care of the soil and using Swiss mixtures in particular.
The soil is never “bare”, it is worked superficially except for the cultivation of corn strip-till. The grasslands are sown under cover. Fertilization is based on the rotation and legumes are implanted in different cultures. A diges-tate and a biodynamic powder are used on the crops.
The farmer realizes his artificial inseminations and his ultrasounds, he has an intensive vision of the profession regarding the animals and the cultures.
He looks for productive forages (20t DM/ha) but also rich in nitrogenous mate-rials 16-17% MAT and in energy to aim at food autonomy. He buys few concentrates compared to the level of production (450 kg of cake per year per head for cows that produce 9000 L/year).
Reason for the innovation
The breeder’s strategy is based on production cost reduction.
It was necessary to learn how to use plants, feed the soil and adapt rotations to optimize the soil and its potential.
It is better to work with plant roots than with mechanical tools.
The rotational grazing allows to graze 6 kg DM/day, the rest is distributed.
Farm description
- Soil: Loam, clayey-loam, limestone
- Climate: Temperate oceanic climate
- Altitude: 100m
Grassland management
- Grazing management type: rotational (50 acres plots with 1 plot/day)
- Length: 8 months/year
- 100% of the grasslands are mowed
- Fertilization:
- 30μN for grazed and mowed grasslands
- 300 gr/ha added to soil activator (Plocher) for exclusively mowed grasslands
- Dominant grass and legume species in grassland:
- Cut: Alfalfa, Fescue, Red Clover, Cocksfoot and White Clover
- Grazing: White Clover (4 species), Perennial Rye-Grass, Hybrid Rye-Grass, Red Clover and Meadow grass
- Forage conservation type:
- Silage
- Hay
- Haylage
“The Happy Cow”
- Annual Work Unit: 3
- Agricultural Area : 145 ha UAA
- 100 ha of main forage area including:
- 44 ha of temporary grasslands
- 20 ha of permanent grasslands
- 36 ha of meslin
- Rotation: 3 years of temporary gras-slands / cereals / meslin / corn / barley / meslin / grassland
- Cattle-dairying with rearing and fattening farm
- Methanation system
- Breed: Prim’Holstein
- Livestock Unit: 145 (95 dairy cows)
- Stocking rate: 1.45 LU/ ha main forage area
Animal performance
- Milk production per head: 9 000 L/year
Why it is working
There is a good consistency of all practices.
The farmer applies simple practices and respect for the rules of nature. Everything starts from a good soil approach.